Code of Conduct
The ‘Code of Conduct' states that we will respect the personal rights of all individuals and protect school property; cooperate with and support each other and take responsibility for maintaining a safe environment. The teacher’s right to teach and a student’s right to learn cannot be disturbed by the actions of others. Delhi Public School – Deoband, is committed to developing positive interpersonal relationships between members of the school community. Misconduct of any kind and degree is unacceptable.
Coming to school regularly is an integral part of a student's life. This inculcates discipline and regularity in a student, which in turn creates value systems that become an essential part of life. There is no substitute for the holistic education gained by a child in the school environment
Students should be present in the class at the beginning of the period and in time for all other activities and functions. Students, who arrive late without prior permission, will be required to bring a note from the Parents / Guardian which is to be handed over to the class teacher. However, if a student arrives late without permission more than thrice, he / she will not be allowed to attend class on that date.
Attendance on the last day of school before vacation and the first day of school after the vacation is essential. However, absence on the first day will be permitted for special reasons with the prior permission of the Principal. If a student is absent without prior permission, he will be liable for disciplinary action. Students will not be allowed to leave school early. In case of such a requirement, a note from the parent has to be furnished to the Princip
Leave of Absence:
Besides the vacation period, students are not granted any leave except under special circumstances, to be explained by the parent through a note to the Principal. Prior permission has to be obtained from the Principal for this purpose. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days will render the student liable to have his / her name struck off the rolls. Students who have been sick, will bring a medical certificate from their doctor on re-joining school. In case of any contagious diseases, a copy of the certificate must be signed by the school doctor to certify that the student can attend school.