Recommendation for Students
- Students are required to always behave politely and should not use any indecent language or indulge in fights and quarrels with each other. Any kind of unacceptable behaviour and violence in any form is strictly forbidden. All students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity, be courteous and respectful to one and all. They should greet their teachers when they meet them. Students should invariably be polite wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct.
- Changing of classrooms between periods should be done silently and in an orderly manner. Students should not unnecessarily leave their class at the end of every period.
- All students are expected to take care of the school property and ensure that the campus is litter free. At Delhi Public School - Deoband, we believe that all individuals are caretakers of our Planet. We must all be responsible for promoting waste minimization and conserving resources. Switch off lights & fans when not in use. Any sort of water leakage or dripping taps, please report to your Class teacher / Housekeeping-in-charge immediately.
- Indiscipline behaviour in the school premises or in school buses will result in the students being debarred from school.
- Cell phones, MP3, I-pods, cameras, etc. are strictly banned in the school. Any student found with these items will be penalised and the items shall be confiscated.
- Every student should take care of his / her belongings. School authorities will not be responsible for loss of such belongings.
- Students should come to school in proper uniform and must always maintain proper haircuts.
- Girls should not wear any jewellery or apply nail polish when they come to school. Any kind of fashion accessories are strictly banned.
- Students who use unfair means during tests / examinations will face strict action / punishment.
- Disobedience and conduct injurious to the spirit of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the pupil.
- The school reserves the right to dismiss a student who is irregular in attendance, whose progress is repeatedly unsatisfactory, whose conduct in the school or outside is harmful to other students.
- Violations of the rules and regulations of the school and the code of conduct will render the concerned student liable for punishment.
- Underage driving is a punishable offence. Please do not drive to school.
- No monetary collection for any purpose should be made in school.
- Students are required to inform the Class teacher / school office if there is a change in their address or contact numbers.
- Students must speak in English within the school campus.
- Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Class teacher/ Principal.
- We encourage the observance of rules of discipline and good behaviour since it is an imperative aspect for the holistic development of the students.